As a health and safety consultant I have helped numerous companies achieve a SSIP accreditation.
Most small businesses struggle with the requirements of achieving a SSIP accreditation and have difficulty with providing the evidence requested to prove compliance.
In this article I am going to explain how to achieve a SSIP accreditation through the various providers and give you access to free proforma downloadable documents to help you achieve a SSIP accreditation .
Lets break it down in to small manageable Information points: –
What is a SSIP accreditation and why am I being asked for it
It is a way an organisation can demonstrate competence in health and safety management by passing an independent third party assessment of their Health and safety management system. This is also known as conformity assessment. Health and safety conformity assessment schemes originated in the construction sector but are now used more widely.
As this became popular with clients requiring assessment of the health and safety standards of contractors, lots of different organisations appeared, providing this service.
click box below for more information Health and safety accreditation schemes – Competence in health and safety (
SSIP stands for safety systems in procurement. It is an organisation that has helped standardise the assessment criteria, you can down load SSIP Core Criteria For the demonstration of organisational capability Assessment and we will look at each of Criteria elements 1-10, 12 which are applicable to all organisations who want to achieve a SSIP accreditation.
click box below for more information Welcome to SSIP